Breakfast Sweet Potato Hash

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Happy Wednesday! We are halfway through the week. I’ve been a little behind on my blogging this past week because my boys have been out on spring break and we’ve been busy having fun! My daughter isn’t out until next week (they are in different school districts this year) which is a big bummer, but I let her play hooky on Monday so that we could all go to the beach together with some friends! They would be at the beach everyday if I’d take them. They are big beach bums!

With spring here and summer right around the corner, that means swimsuit season is upon us. I bought a couple of cute swimsuits online this year, and they fit but are a little snug. Needless to say, I’m not over-enthusiastic about it. I’ve been trying to get back on track with healthy eating, not just so I can look decent in my swimsuit but because I feel so much better when I am following a healthy diet. After feeling like crap, yo-yoing back and forth (I have a serious sugar addiction) I am finally at the point of being fed up from the way I’m feeling. I’ve been getting back into my exercise routine (the time change has helped a lot with that!) and Jeff and I sat down over the weekend and made up a healthy food plan for ourselves.

Years ago, I experimented with a paleo diet to address my autoimmune issues and I came across a breakfast “hash” recipe that has become a staple for me. It takes a little bit longer to make than I usually like for my breakfasts (I’m a five-minute-or-less-to-make-breakfast kind of girl) but it makes a lot, so when I make it I have plenty to last me throughout the week. I have kind of tweaked the recipe to add/omit things I liked/didn’t like from the original recipe but that’s the great thing about hash, there’s no right or wrong way to do it. I’m sharing what I like but feel free to add or omit whatever you want!

This recipe is simple; I only use four ingredients: sweet potato or yam (I’ve used both and I prefer yams), apples (usually green, but any color will work), bacon and chicken apple sausage. Sometimes I omit the sausage, but it adds a little more sustenance to the meal and fills me up a little more. I usually buy Aidell’s brand, but I recently found this brand and liked it as well.

First, chop up all of your ingredients. Peel the potato and the apples and chop them into bite sized pieces. Also, slice your pre-cooked sausage and your bacon into small bits.

Start with cooking the bacon in a large skillet. Cook it until it starts to get brown and crispy. Then, transfer it onto a paper towel to drain the excess grease.

You are going to cook your potato next. You can either cook it in the bacon grease or in coconut oil. All the paleo people cook in bacon grease, but I guess I can’t change my way of thinking so I feel the grease is a bit much. I drain most of the grease and add a heaping spoonful of coconut oil instead (see my notes at the end about coconut oil).

I like LouAna coconut oil for cooking. It doesn’t have a coconut flavor and honestly I just don’t love all of my food tasting like coconut. This brand is great.

Cook your potato. Cover the pan with a lid but remove it to stir every 3-4 minutes. Continue cooking until the potatoes are soft when pierced with a fork; about 20 minutes.

Add your apples next and stir it all together. Cook for another 3-5 minutes, until the apples are soft.


Add your sausage to the skillet, tossing for 2-3 minutes, until the sausage is warmed through.

Toss your bacon back into the skillet. Mix all the way through.

Serve immediately or let it cool and stick it in the refrigerator for later. It will keep for about a week in the refrigerator.

Sound good? Let me know what you add to your hash! I love trying new ideas!

Just a little note about coconut oil: a lot of people are hesitant to use coconut oil in their cooking because they don’t want their food tasting like coconut. I totally get it and my husband especially had hang ups with that. So, I found that Louana’s brand of coconut oil does not have a coconut flavor. It is perfect to use for sauteeing foods, like veggies, that you don’t want tasting like coconut! You can buy it in a single pack or in a double pack. It’s a much better value in a double pack.

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Breakfast Sweet Potato Hash
Course Breakfast
Prep Time 5 minutes
Cook Time 30 minutes
Course Breakfast
Prep Time 5 minutes
Cook Time 30 minutes
  1. Peel your yam/sweet potato and apples and chop into bite sized pieces. Chop your uncooked bacon and chicken apple sausage. Set aside.
  2. In a large skillet, cook cut-up bacon until it starts to brown. Remove bacon from skillet and drain on a paper towel.
  3. Drain most of the bacon grease and add a large spoonful of coconut oil to the pan (or, you could just use the bacon grease). Toss in your sweet potato and cover it in the grease/oil. Cover the pan with a lid, stirring every 3-4 minutes and replacing the lid. Cook until the sweet potato is tender when pierced with a fork, about 20 minutes.
  4. Add apples and cook until tender, about 3-5 minutes.
  5. Add pre-cooked sausage and stir until the sausage is warmed through, about 2-3 minutes.
  6. Add bacon and mix well.
  7. Serve and enjoy!
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